Someone Like You … might feel like no one hears you

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me … Your rod and Your staff they comfort me.”
- Psalm 23:4
From the beginning of time, death is a part of life on earth. One out of one of us will – at some point – take our last breath here and move on to whatever is next. The point is to be ready, as no man knows the day or hour of his passing.
That said, everyone wrestles with the most difficult question of all, the one Dawson wrestled with after losing London. “Why?” we ask. “Why would a good God allow someone so young to die? Why didn’t He prevent it?”
For Discussion:
If you are able, share about a tragic time in your life. Did you pray? Did you feel your prayers were heard? Explain.
In the time since then, have you leaned toward God or away from Him? How has that shaped your life?
What is your perspective on that tragic time now?
What advice would you give someone going through a tragedy of their own?
I Can Do That:
Journal about a time of tragedy in your life. Address your questions about God then and how you feel about that now.
Think of someone in your life who is dealing with tragedy or loss. Write them a letter, offering love and support.